Getting To Know Blazor

Buckle up your typesafe seatbeat with this MVC framework by Microsoft (C#)

Created: 8/23/2022, 6:02:00 AM \ Updated: 6/23/2022, 6:02:00 AM

<h1 style="width: 100%">
<p>This is blazor</p>
public string GreetingMessage { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
if(GreetingMessage == "Hello World")
Console.WriteLine("Using default greeting!");

What is Blazor?

Blazor is a MVC framework utilizing the .Net Core Framework. Its capable of native, hybrid, and webassembly apps, which means its client side, serverside, desktop, and pwa friendly all at once! Following the typical patterns of modern MVC practices, if you’re coming from another framework like angular or old-school class based react then blazor will still feel like home. Component based architecture via templating and composition, life-cycle rendering methods, and dynamic UIs makes this framework just as comfortable as anything else.


Why Should I Care?

Blazor gives you the ablity to build with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and C# which gives you all the benefits of a strong typesafe OOP language along side the webdev trio. If you’re already building with other Microsoft tools like .Net Api or some sort of custom library then blazor allows code resuse between your frontend code and other .Net Code

Getting Started

Read the Microsoft Offical Documentation! The official docs explain almost everything you need to know. However, there are some confusing parts when it comes to more advanced topics such as client side auth and state management which I’ll cover in detail in future posts.


Christian Claudeaux

Full Stack Developer

Composer, Coder, Creator. Microsoft and open source web development Technology specialist about.